May 20th Birthdays

We have 6 birthdays listed for May 20.

May 20th is the 140th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day Chinese authorities declared martial law after pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square; Cuba gained independence from the United States, and Levi Strauss received his patent for blue jeans. Famous May 20th birthdays include Cher and Jimmy Stewart. Today is National Be a Millionaire Day.


Lonnie Adolphsen’s Birthday

YouTube gaming content creation is still a niche market and we’d love to highlight Lonnie Adolphsen.


Frank Medrano’s Birthday

If you're looking to get ripped, look no further than Frank Medrano for inspiration.


Doug The Pug’s Birthday

Find out about the dog behind the brands and celebrity appearances right here.


Cher’s Birthday

Cher truly possesses legendary perseverance, talent, and an extraordinary personality that is incomparable.


Austin McBroom’s Birthday

There are no limits to greatness for this talented entertainer and hardworking influencer, Austin McBroom.


Addy Maxwell’s Birthday

Life is nothing but an adventure for this young, curious gamer, Addy Maxwell.