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National Pinkfix Day – May 17, 2023

National Pinkfix Day is observed each year on May 17 in the United States. The day aims to help people make informed decisions about their personal finances, especially women. We think that managing personal finances can be incredibly complex. However, you can take control of your career and finances with some guidance from an expert and your own willingness to learn more about how you can spend your money wisely. For women, it is especially important to be in charge of their own money and be financially independent. National Pinkfix Day helps you take control of your family, work, and even the community.

History of National Pinkfix Day

National Pinkfix Day was started in 2018 by blogger Jessica Weaver. The conception of the term ‘Pinkfix’ began when Weaver updated her blog’s logo to blank and pink and encouraged her audience to go to her website to “get [their] pink fix” for the day, referring to the knowledge they would gain about money and life in general. After adding #pinkfix to everything, Weaver became known as the pink advisor, always able to help people gain insight about almost every area of a woman’s life that needs confidence, stability, and net worth. This day was started to help women become aware of not just their money, but also the opportunities that can help make their lives significantly better. National Pinkfix Day allows women to be honest about their money matters including inheritance, insurance, and loans. Being honest about your financial status can help you make more informed decisions. National Pinkfix Day helps you achieve the lasting transformation that you might be looking for!

Aside from finances, National Pinkfix Day also serves as a reset button. It presents you with the opportunity to reset your money, mind, life, and goals. The day also challenges you to try something new, get out of your comfort zone, and take control of your life. When you are confident in yourself and surrounded by those who believe in you, no challenge seems insurmountable!

Pinkfix does not offer a quick fix. A quick fix might seem appealing but in the long run, it does us no good. You may think of a quick fix as a band-aid that has been hurriedly applied to a deep gash! On the contrary, National Pinkfix Day offers a pink fix! It is all about the lasting change that will make an impact and provide you with the transformation in your life that you deserve. It all starts with taking good care of your money! So get your girlfriends together and help each other find the best possible ways to grow financially.

National Pinkfix Day timeline

The World’s Oldest Bank

Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena continues to be the oldest functioning bank in the world.

17th Century
Modern Banking Practices

Modern banking practices, including the issuance of banknotes and fractional reserve banking, are brought about by private vaults and moneylending services.

The Modern Bank

The Bank of England becomes one of the first banks to issue banknotes.

The Contemporary International Monetary System

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank are established under the U.N. system.

National Pinkfix Day FAQs

What are the five areas of personal finance?

They are saving, investing, financial protection, tax saving, and retirement planning.

What are the four types of finance?

They are public finance, personal finance, corporate finance, and private finance

How do you do personal finance?

Understand your current financial situation, set personal priorities and financial goals, create and stick to a budget, establish an emergency fund, save for retirement, and pay off debt.

National Pinkfix Day Activities

  1. Take a look at your finances

    The most important way to observe National Pinkfix Day is by taking a look at your finances and aiming to improve your financial situation. Pull out your bank statements, tax records, and other invoices to check how you are doing financially.

  2. Set up a fund

    Planning to go to college? Retire early? Set up a higher education trust for your children? The time to put together the money is now. On National Pinkfix Day, find out the schemes that are best suited for your needs.

  3. Get your friends involved

    Women remain woefully uninvolved in their own finances. National Pinkfix Day has set out to change that. Start conversations with the women in your life about their finances and the steps they need to take to become financially independent.

5 Useful Facts About Personal Finance

  1. Eat out less to save more

    Packing lunch just twice a week can save you approximately $1,000+ a year.

  2. Spending cash saves you money

    People spend 12% to 18% more when using credit cards instead of cash.

  3. Try to keep a good credit card score

    A good credit score is above 700.

  4. Investing in stocks can be beneficial

    Stocks provide a 10% rate of return over time.

  5. Be careful about taxes on investments

    You are only required to pay taxes on the capital gains or the extra money earned.

Why We Love National Pinkfix Day

  1. It’s for a better life

    The aim of National Pinkfix Day is to make our lives better. Informed financial planning can equip you with confidence and self-esteem for a significantly more financially independent life. When you are in control of earnings, expenditures, and savings, you are also in control of your life.

  2. It’s a chance to reset

    Another great thing about National Pinkfix Day is that it offers us the chance to reset. Even if you have been unable to save money, this is the day to learn how to make better plans for the future.

  3. Become inspired by other women

    Powerhouse women are annually invited by Jessica Weaver to speak on different topics. You can watch these discussions online of women, including Weaver herself, sharing important tips — it’s bound to inspire you.

National Pinkfix Day dates

2023May 17Wednesday
2024May 17Friday
2025May 17Saturday
2026May 17Sunday
2027May 17Monday

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