May 12th Birthdays

We have 5 birthdays listed for May 12.

May 12th is the 132nd day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day more than 69,000 people were killed in a massive earthquake in Sichuan, China; then President Jimmy Carter became the first U.S. President to visit Cuba after the Castro revolution, and the Duke and Duchess of York were crowned King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in a ceremony at Westminster Abbey. Famous May 12th birthdays include Florence Nightingale, Katherine Hepburn, and comedian George Carlin. Today is National Limerick Day and World Migratory Bird Day.


Vinny Vinesauce’s Birthday

YouTuber, streamer, Twitch star, and a rock superstar — Vinny Vinesauce does it all.


Tony Hawk’s Birthday

World's most influential skateboarder and huge philanthropist; the legend himself, Tony Hawk.


Drumsy’s Birthday

This fun and authentic gamer has won the hearts of millions of fans.


George Carlin’s Birthday

The iconic stand-up performer who opened the doors to a new style in comedy.


DraconiteDragon’s Birthday

This young Canadian gamer has reached over one million YouTube subscribers and isn’t stopping.