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ThuFeb 15

St. Skeletor's Day – February 15, 2024

St. Skeletor’s Day is celebrated annually on February 15, Celebrated just a day after the Valentine’s Day, St. Skeletor’s Day allows singles to hate love in peace. The day is also celebrated by those who did not receive any cards or flowers the day before. Okay, fine: maybe not hate, but you know what we mean. Valentine’s Day can be extra annoying when you’re single. We’ve all been there — single and irritated by the sight of red and pink hearts, couples doing mushy things, or anything related to love. St. Skeletor’s Day is a day for you to vent.

History of St. Skeletor's Day

Valentine’s Day, or St. Valentine’s Day, is celebrated on February 14 every year. It was originally meant to be a day honoring two Christian martyrs named Valentine, but it eventually came to be known as a day of romance and love. Although there is no evidence of Valentine’s Day being a celebration of love, the earliest record of the same comes from Chaucer’s poem “Valentine’s Day.”

As the day made its way around the world, people began exchanging handwritten love notes. These rapidly grew in popularity, and printers began producing mechanical valentines such as a collection of doodles and love notes. This further turned into greeting cards, gifts, flowers, and before you know it, Valentine’s Day became commercialized. Companies like Cadbury and Hallmark recognized the business opportunity and established themselves as key players in this holiday.

It’s all cute and lovable if you have someone to love and be loved by; however, Valentine’s Day is anything but pleasant when you’re single. No one wants to be surrounded by overpriced teddy bears, couples indulging in heavy P.D.A., and everything dressed up in red and pink packaging. Every V-Day reference is a reminder of how single you are and nobody enjoys that. This is where St. Skeletor’s Day comes in.

The day was created in 1998 by British comedian Richard Herring. In his words, St. Skeletor’s Day is “a day for all the lost souls who don’t have anyone to love,” and it is “devoted to the destruction of love.” He said that there should not be any one day to give flowers, you can do it any other day too! Besides thwarting the destruction of love, the day also calls for the destruction of greeting cards, and of people who simply won’t shut up about their boyfriends and girlfriends. On St. Skeletor’s Day, you do not have to buy any gifts for people or do anything special; let’s keep that for Valentine’s Day!

St. Skeletor's Day timeline

496 A.D.
The Feast of Saint Valentine

Pope Gelasius I establishes the feast on February 14 honoring St. Valentine.

14th Century
Valentine’s Day

Chaucer writes the poem associating V-Day with love.

Valentine’s Greetings

60,000 valentine cards are sent in the U.K.

The First Appearance

Skeletor first appears in “He-Man and the Power Sword.”

“Masters of the Universe”

Frank Langella portrays Skeletor in the live-action film.

Skeletor Gets a Makeover

Skeletor gets a new outfit and chest armor in “The New Adventures of He-Man.”

Skeletor Becomes a Saint]

Richard Herring jokingly calls Skeletor a saint and dedicates February 15 to the destruction of love.

St. Skeletor's Day FAQs

Who was St. Skeletor?

St. Skeletor is a fictional character created by Mattel. He is the villain against He-Man.

Who is Richard Herring?

Herring is an English standup comedian. He created St. Skeletor’s Day.

Is St. Skeletor’s Day a public holiday?

No, St. Skeletor’s Day is not a public holiday. Regular business hours are followed.

Is Skeletor a good guy?

Skeletor is a pitiless villain who commands an army of warriors from his headquarters in Snake Mountain. Skeletor’s past is shrouded in mystery, but it is revealed that had once been a member of the Evil Horde and studied under Hordak, becoming his favorite pupil.


Is Skeletor He-Man's uncle?

As a result of Keldor’s introduction to the mythos, Skeletor is unwittingly the uncle of his archnemesis He-Man. Skeletor was formerly Keldor, brother of King Randor.

St. Skeletor's Day Activities

  1. Host a St. Skeletor’s Day party

    Who says this needs to be a day of sadness? Gather your friends and family and host a party! Decorate it with anything but red and hearts, and organize fun activities such as destroying a heart pinata.

  2. Share break-up stories

    Whether it is with your single friends or with strangers online, share your break-up and dating horror stories, and take time out to read those of other people. You’ll realize that you're not alone, and maybe even come out of it feeling grateful to be single.

  3. Send St. Skeletor’s Day cards

    Why should couples have all the fun? Send funny St. Skeletor’s Day cards to other friends, or maybe even send some playful letters to people you hate (like your mushiest couple friends).

5 Ways In Which Singles Are Winning

  1. You sleep better

    As per the Better Sleep Council, single people sleep better through the night and wake up well-rested.

  2. You pick everything

    What show to watch, what song to listen to, what to eat for dinner — the choice is always yours.

  3. You can have fun

    Wanna hook up with a random cutie at the bar? Sure. Can't help but flirt with that one hottie neighbor? Go for it. You’re free to explore different connections without guilt.

  4. You can prioritize your career

    The world job market is your oyster and you can follow your dreams without a major distraction, compromise, or restriction involving a partner.

  5. Your other relationships get stronger

    Unlike the newlywed effect of distancing, single people are able to build and grow better friendships and relationships with family.

Why We Love St. Skeletor's Day

  1. It celebrates singlehood

    Celebrations such as St. Skeletor's Day remind us that love need not be conveyed through expensive gifts or only on specific days. Just being there through thick and thin should be enough if you love someone. Richard Herring himself mentions: “Isn’t every day [lovers’] day?”

  2. It creates a community

    It can often be lonely to see everyone around you with their significant other, and it can feel as though you were the only one alone. Seeing others celebrate St. Skeletor’s Day creates a sense of community and highlights that so many people are in the same boat.

  3. It’s a funny holiday

    Dedicating a day to the 'destruction of love' is a funny way to make light of an otherwise sad day. It obviously does not encourage real harm to anyone. It just helps people find humor in loneliness.

St. Skeletor's Day dates

2024February 15Thursday
2025February 15Saturday
2026February 15Sunday
2027February 15Monday
2028February 15Tuesday

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