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Just Pray No – April 20-21, 2024

Just Pray No is an annual event observed on the third weekend of April and this year it will be marked from April 20 to 21. This activity has been observed all over the world since its founding on April 7, 1991, Just Pray NO! has brought Christians all over the world together in intercessory prayer to support those who are battling with forms of addiction like alcoholism, drug addiction, and other life-controlling compulsions. Addiction has become a worldwide epidemic, with millions of people battling their addictions daily. The soaring incidence of overdose deaths makes the drug epidemic among the most dangerous public health concerns of our time.

History of Just Pray No

Since April 7th, 1991, “Just Pray NO!” Ltd. has tried to unite Christians worldwide in prayer for addicts and their families. Addiction has wreaked havoc on families and communities worldwide. The creator, Stephen L. Sherman, was inspired to launch the non-profit after reading newspaper articles about drugs in general and especially a young boy who refused to snort cocaine with the neighborhood bullies a day before his twelfth birthday. “No!” he just said. There was a violent attempt to bully him, but he stood firm.

Reading about the incident, the founder was moved and began praying. “Just Pray NO!”. He felt his mission was to mobilize Christians in the spiritual struggle against addiction. He believed that the message of “Just Pray NO!” to drugs would be heard globally and established a worldwide day of prayer. Sherman has a widespread voice on Christian radio. The organization links ministries and organizations to the addicted, and provides resources and encouragement to those in prison and needing healing. 150 nations are involved in the outreach and prayer weekend.

This is especially important because recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 81,000 people in the U.S. died of a drug overdose between May 2019 and May 2020. So the importance of the weekend is that people show solidarity against this rising scourge that devastates people, families, and communities.

Just Pray No timeline

The Newspaper Story

The pastor reads the story of the boy in the newspaper and that prompts him to pray.

The Global Day of Prayer Story

The Just Pray No day begins.

The 10-Year Mark

A decade later, Just Pray No has been going on and helping lives.

Thirty Years Going On

Just Pray No has been happening for thirty years and has been uniting Christians.

Just Pray No FAQs

Can I travel during sobriety?

Yes, you can. If you are unsure how you will handle it, you can go with a group or an accountability partner to keep you on track

What are some triggers a recovering addict should avoid?

Stressful situations, celebrations, sickness of a loved one, relationship struggles, boredom, or feeling emotions like anger and hurt can be situations that can trigger a recovering addict.

Can I go to a concert as a recovering addict?

Yes. Some concerts are free from drugs, just do your research and pick one that suits you.

How to Observe Just Pray No

  1. Pray for your community

    Take time out to pray for those battling addiction and for their families as well. You can gather your friends and family members as well to pray on their behalf.

  2. Help someone in need

    You can help where there is a need. Churches, NPOs, friends, or community organizations for addictions all need volunteers and donations. You and your family and friends could make a massive difference by helping people in your vicinity find the help they need.

  3. Support rehabilitation centers

    One of the best ways to help is by supporting organizations and rehabilitation centers. You can show support by donating to the cause or volunteering your time and/or resources.

5 Facts About Drugs In The U.S.

  1. Prescription drugs most in the U.S.

    With 5% of the world's population, the U.S. is responsible for consuming 75% of the world’s prescription drugs.

  2. Responsible for teen deaths

    More teenagers die from prescription drug overdose than cocaine and heroin together.

  3. Drug use is widespread

    An estimated 47.7 million people used mind-altering drugs in 2017.

  4. The official statistic

    In 2018 roughly 7.7 million Americans were registered as addicts.

  5. The drug allure

    Most drugs aim for the reward circuit in the brain, affecting dopamine levels.

Why Just Pray No is Important

  1. Promotes a safe space

    Just Pray No promotes a safe space for those with addiction. They cover different forms of addiction including gambling, pornography, and so on in their prayers.

  2. Promotes drug-free leisure activities

    They encourage sober people to go for a getaway. Called a clean getaway they encourage people to plan several activities while avoiding triggers, having a good time, and committing themselves to prayer.

  3. Spreads awareness

    Just Pray No helps to spread awareness about addiction in churches. They also provide tips to help with maintaining one’s sobriety.

Just Pray No dates

2022April 10Sunday
2023April 15Saturday
2024April 20Saturday
2025April 19Saturday
2026April 18Saturday

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