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National Mantra Day – May 1, 2023

Every year, National Mantra Day is celebrated on May 1. It is a time when people say their mantras and invoke positive energy. The day, celebrated in the United States, was founded in 2020 by LBD Social Strategies. The holiday aims to foster self-love and positivity, uplift spirits, and elevate the mind. Mantras may be centuries-old but are still a firm part of religions and cultures in South and East Asia. On National Mantra Day, people recite famous mantras, including yoga mantras. International Mantra Day is also observed on the same day.

History of National Mantra Day

A mantra is a sacred word or phrase recited in several religious and spiritual traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. The Chinese and Japanese translations for the Sanskrit word are “true word” and “true speech”, respectively. Many scholars have speculated that mantras have possibly been in use since 601 A.D. to 700 A.D. Several others have suggested that during the Vedic period (1000 B.C. to 500 B.C.), it was popular amongst ancient Indians.

Mantras serve a wide range of functions and are popularly known to help in devotion and meditation. Today, people use mantras as powerful words of positive affirmations to provide the encouragement, motivation and thought clarity they need each day.

In 2010, Facebook developed the business pages feature, and Lillyan Baker Duck, the soon-to-be founder of Mantra Day, kicked off her career in social marketing. She worked with many for profit and non-profit organizations, global marketing companies, and international corporate franchises. With all the experience she garnered, she started her own company, LBD Social Strategies.

In 2020, LBD Social started National Mantra Day. On the first day of May, people who celebrate Mantra Day recite their favorite mantras; occasionally, throughout the day. They also share mantras on social media platforms. Popular mantras utilized during the holiday include AUM/OM, Violet Flame, and Eastern mantras.

National Mantra Day timeline

1000B.C. — 500 B.C.
Part of Ancient Indian Culture

Mantras are popular in Ancient Indian culture.

601 A.D. — 700 A.D.
People Utilize Mantras

People use mantras to show devotion and to meditate.

Lillyan Baker Duck Begins Social Marketing

Duck starts a career in social marketing.

The Holiday’s Creation

Duck's company, LBD Social, creates National Mantra Day.

National Mantra Day FAQs

Who started National Mantra Day?

LBD Social Strategies founded National Mantra Day in 2020.

Should mantras be chanted loudly?

You can say your mantras out loud or repeat them silently.

What is a Sadhana mantra?

A Sadhana mantra is a spiritual exercise by which the practitioner evokes divinity, identifying and absorbing it into himself.

How to Observe National Mantra Day

  1. Recite some mantras

    If you have a spiritual mantra book, you can pick prayers from it and meditate on them. Alternatively, you can download some of the prayers online and start your day with some recitations.

  2. Share mantras with loved ones

    Sending positive affirmations to friends or family in a morning text is a great way to celebrate the holiday. That way, you show that you are thinking about them and care about their wellness.

  3. Celebrate online

    You can celebrate the holiday with your friends via social media. Share mantras with other people who are also participating online.

5 Interesting Facts About Mantras

  1. Mantra is an ancient Sanskrit word

    Mantra is a Sanskrit word formed from two words — ‘man’ meaning ‘mind’ and ‘tra’ meaning ‘tool,’ all translating to "instrument of thought."

  2. They’re sacred

    Mantras are considered to be sacred by many cultures and religions.

  3. Beads are used

    Mantras are mostly recited by using a string of beads known as Japa Mala.

  4. Deities

    Every mantra is associated with a deity.

  5. A yoga branch

    Mantras constitute an entire branch of yoga known as Japa Yoga.

Why National Mantra Day is Important

  1. It calms our minds

    Scientific studies have found that chanting mantras lowers anxiety and depressive symptoms in the human mind and body. On this holiday, we are reminded to enlist the use of mantras in calming our minds.

  2. It promotes positivity

    Mantras promote positive thoughts and a positive outlook in life. We say no to negativity as we embrace this holiday.

  3. It nurtures self-love

    Preaching positive affirmations to oneself does a lot of good to our self-esteem and self-acceptance. It is one of the keys to nurturing self-love.

National Mantra Day dates

2023May 1Monday
2024May 1Wednesday
2025May 1Thursday
2026May 1Friday
2027May 1Saturday
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