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Entrepreneurs "Do it Yourself" Marketing Month – June 2023

Entrepreneurs “Do it Yourself” Marketing Month is celebrated throughout June across the United States. The goal of this initiative is to stimulate small business owners to promote their brands by creating their own marketing campaigns, without the need for an expert marketing team. The idea is for entrepreneurs to take the month of June to focus on their publicity and outreach and make their own plans to improve it.

History of Entrepreneurs "Do it Yourself" Marketing Month

Since ancient times communities have found many different ways to profit from the things they produce, whether it’s products resulting from farming or ranch practices, cooking, baking, or even selling things made out of hobbies or entertainment, such as painting or sculpting. With the reach of the internet and new ways of making money coming around, there has been a huge wave of entrepreneurs who build their businesses from scratch. These people are owners of what we call small businesses, and fight every day to make sure their product is seen and bought.

The struggles of owning a company often challenge small business owners; however, very few of them have a partner or a team to share the burden with, which makes it all a lot more difficult. Owning a business involves not only making the product, and following its demand, but preparing the economical outlines, buying materials, transporting, and marketing, among many other jobs. That’s one of the reasons why entrepreneurs have set June aside to focus on marketing initiatives that they can easily do on their own.

There are a few main points in marketing that should be considered when developing a marketing plan for a product or company. It’s important to keep in mind that what you’re selling has a target audience, located in a certain region, that desires your product for a reason. These are the three W’s of marketing: Who, Where, and Why. By making sure you have all of these concepts clear, your campaign will likely succeed.

Entrepreneurs "Do it Yourself" Marketing Month timeline

Big Convention

At the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World convention, the National Association of Teachers of Advertising is founded.

A Second Association

The American Marketing Society is founded by Paul Nystrom.

The First Journal

Both associations come together to publish the first edition of the “Journal of Marketing.”

The Founding of a Broader Association

The American Marketing Association is formed by the merger of two other associations.

Entrepreneurs "Do it Yourself" Marketing Month FAQs

What is a small business example?

Small businesses can offer services or are places of retail. These are usually businesses owned by independent organizations or people and typically use a lot less money to run the business.

What is the best definition of entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is defined as the capacity and willingness to create, manage, and run a business enterprise, including all of its risks, to profit. Starting new firms is the most visible example of entrepreneurship.

How can I become a successful entrepreneur?

It’s important to be very organized and disciplined. Learn how to best manage your money and don’t be afraid of making mistakes!

Entrepreneurs "Do it Yourself" Marketing Month Activities

  1. Sell wearable merchandise

    Having people walk around showing off your brand can be really good for business. You can make shirts, bags, pins, and even hats.

  2. Write an e-mail campaign

    Why don’t you set up your own newsletter? Your clients will love to get first-hand news on sales and new releases.

  3. Redesign your website

    If you’re the owner of a primarily internet-based business, take some time to redesign your website. You can also set up social media profiles for your company to reach more people.

5 Awesome Facts About Marketing You’ll Adore

  1. Blog influence

    We all know that blogs are bigger than magazines now, but did you know that they are over 60% more likely to convince you to buy something other than magazines?

  2. Video crazy

    Consumers are all about the visuals: 20% will read text, whereas 80% will watch a video with the same content.

  3. Reviews matter

    On average, a person will go through at least 10 reviews of a product before buying it.

  4. E-mail promotion

    Buyers tend to spend around 80% more when shopping through e-mail marketing.

  5. Right to the point

    Only around 42% of buyers will watch a video past the 90-second mark, so keep it short and get right to the point.

Why We Love Entrepreneurs "Do it Yourself" Marketing Month

  1. It promotes small businesses

    Small business owners are true fighters. This month helps us remember to uplift and help out anyone struggling to get their product out there.

  2. It keeps us creative

    Creating our own designs and figuring out creative ways to promote our businesses keep us creative. And we absolutely love creativity!

  3. It’s all about art

    How can we not love celebrating the beauty and importance of artistic expression in product-making? This month keeps us close to our creative essence.

Entrepreneurs "Do it Yourself" Marketing Month dates

2023June 1Thursday
2024June 1Saturday
2025June 1Sunday
2026June 1Monday
2027June 1Tuesday
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Step Parents Week
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Flip A Coin Day
Gawai Dayak
Global Day of Parents
Intergenerational Day
International Children's Day
Madaraka Day: Kenya
National Billboard Day
National Go Barefoot Day
National Hazelnut Cake Day
National Heimlich Maneuver Day
National Moonshine Day
National Nail Polish Day
National Olive Day
National Roman Day
National Say Something Nice Day
National Skincare Education Day
New Year's Resolution Recommitment Day
Orthodox Ascension Day
Oscar the Grouch Day
Pen Pal Day
Samoa Independence Day
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Statehood Day in Kentucky
Statehood Day in Tennessee
Wear a Dress Day
World Milk Day
World Narcissistic Abuse Day
World Outlander Day
World Reef Awareness Day
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Cataract Awareness Month
Celibacy Awareness Month
Child Vision Awareness Month
Children's Awareness Month
Cucumber Month
Effective Communications Month
Entrepreneurs "Do it Yourself" Marketing Month
Fight the Filthy Fly Month
Fireworks Eye Safety Month
Fireworks Safety Month
Georgia Blueberry Month
Great Outdoors Month
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Lemon Month
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National Aphasia Awareness Month
National Camping Month
National Candy Month
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National Country Cooking Month
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National Foster a Pet Month
National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
National Frozen Yogurt Month
National Give a Bunch of Balloons Month
National Homeownership Month
National Iced Tea Month
National Men's Health Month
National Microchipping Month
National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month
National Oceans Month
National Osteoporosis Month
National Pet Preparedness Month
National Pollinators Month
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National Rivers Month
National Rose Month
National Safety Month
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National Scoliosis Awareness Month
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We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty
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