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TueAug 22

World Plant Milk Day – August 22, 2023

On August 22, we celebrate World Plant Milk Day because whether you know it or not, plant milk is a good, sustainable, alternative to dairy milk. Plant milk safely provides your body key nutrients and minerals, giving you the strength and endurance to live your life to the fullest.

World Plant Milk Day also reminds us that drinking plant milk has  other benefits. You help to eliminate animal cruelty and reduce globalwarming — just by drinking a glass of milk!  So, do your body and the world some good by raising a cold, frothy glass of delicious plant milk in a toast to your own health and the health of our world.

When is World Plant Milk Day 2023?

World Plant Milk Day is observed on August 22.

History of World Plant Milk Day

Plant based milk is lactose-free and the best substitute for cow milk. World Plant Milk Day was created in 2017 by the co-founder of Plant Based News, Robbie Lockie. The day became a collaborative effort between PBN and ProVeg in 2018, with the campaign encouraging millions of people around the world to make the switch from dairy milk to plant-based alternatives.

The biggest reason to consume plant-based milk is that it is lactose-free, making it ideal for those who are lactose intolerant. But that’s not all, plant-derived milk tastes great, is low-fat, and is ideal for vegans. Plant-based milk is rich in nutrients and contains the daily requirement of essential vitamins and minerals. The risk of cholesterol increasing is minimal and the milk consistency isn’t heavy on the digestive system either.

Almond milk, soy milk, cashew milk, rice milk, hemp milk, and flax milk are some of the popular plant-based milk types easily available at most supermarkets these days. The production of plant-based milk is cruelty free, which is another great reason to make the switch. Changes like this may seem minor with negligible results but, in the long run, they will definitely help reduce our carbon footprint and help improve our health.

Some plant-derived milk types contain preservatives and additives like excessive sugar, so it is better to look for unsweetened plant-based milk that has a short ingredient list and short shelf life.

World Plant Milk Day timeline

Coconut milk's horticultural benefits discovered

Horticulturalists discover that coconut milk contains properties that can help other plants grow.

The FDA says soy lowers cholesterol

The FDA ruled that 25 grams of soy protein a day could reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.

Almond milk explodes

Almond milk sales increased by 79% in 2011 alone.

Almond milk becomes number one

Almond milk surpassed soy milk as the most popular plant-based milk in the U.S.

July 2015
Almond Milk sues

The Almond Milk brand filed a class action lawsuit against two American competitors, Blue Diamond Growers and White Wave Foods, for false advertising on the product label about the small amount of almonds — the case was thrown out.


World Plant Milk Day is less of a tradition and more of a worldwide campaign to transition from consuming whole fat milk to plant-based milk. Health experts, environmental activists, and some industry experts campaign and encourage people to learn about plant-based milk and how they won’t be missing out on taste or nutrition.

Plant-based milk is offered as a healthy and safe alternative to cow milk and is used in everyday recipes. Lactose intolerant people or health-conscious weight watchers often incorporate plant-based milk into their diet. Online discussions on health forums evaluate the pros and cons of the types of milk and help to make the decision of switching easier.

World Plant Milk Day By The Numbers

$2.95 billion – the sales of non-dairy alternatives in 2020.
54% – the percentage increase in the use of plant-based milk over five years.
23 – the number of countries that have integrated plant milk into their national nutrition guidelines as an alternative to cow’s milk.
65% – the percentage of young children who do not meet the required daily dairy intake.
34% – the percentage of teenagers who do not meet the required daily dairy intake.
40% – the percentage of children allergic to cow’s milk who are also allergic to soy milk.
37 – the number of calories in a single cup of unsweetened almond milk.
25% – the percentage drop in the consumption of cow milk in the last 20 years.
$4.5 billion – the estimated value of the plant-based market.

World Plant Milk Day FAQs

Which is the best plant milk?

The best plant-based milk alternatives are soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk, and rice milk. 

What is plant milk made of?

Plant-based milk is made by grinding a bean or nut, then adding water, flavors, vitamins, and minerals.

What milk tastes closest to cow's milk?

The taste differs, but in terms of nutritional value, soy milk is the closest dairy-free substitute for cow’s milk.

World Plant Milk Day Activities

  1. Head to the market

    With the increasing availability of dairy-free products, it's easier than ever to integrate plant milk into your diet. Try buying multiple flavors and see which ones you prefer!

  2. Apply the “plant milk theory” to other dairy

    Incorporate the “plant milk theme” of personal and global health into other dairy products, such as cheese. With countless recipes and cookbooks available, you can even whip up vegan cheese at home. Most recipes require only a few ingredients. Try your hand at making everything from soft, spreadable cheeses to harder, aged varieties.

  3. Go for a walk

    Take time to appreciate your own health and the beauty of the world during a simple walk or stroll around town or in your neighborhood. To give you that energy boost, on World Plant Milk Day, gulp down a big, heaping glass of plant milk or make a smoothie. Then, go outside, take a deep breath of fresh air and remember to embrace the world we all want to save!

4 Facts That Prove Almond Milk Is King

  1. Almond milk is religious

    In the Middle Ages, almond milk was known in both the Islamic world and Christendom as a nut, considered suitable for consumption during Lent.

  2. Almond milk is protected by the government

    Within the Italian regions of Sicily, Apulia, Calabria, and Campania, almond milk is a protected traditional agricultural product.

  3. Almond milk is not for infants

    Despite its many health advantages, almond milk does not have as high a protein content as breast milk, cow’s milk, or hydrolyzed formulas, and therefore is not a suitable replacement for children under two years of age.

  4. Almond milk likes the Golden State

    The majority of American almonds are grown in the state of California.

Why We Love World Plant Milk Day

  1. Less dairy means a better world

    Cow milk is near-ubiquitous, but animal agriculture also leads to major pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. This drives climate change. By occasionally replacing cow milk with plant milk, we're helping the planet.

  2. It’s healthy — plain and simple

    Plant milk provides a long list of health benefits, including calcium, and a low sugar and calorie count. In addition, plant milk does not contain IFG-1 (a growth hormone given to cows) which has been linked to the growth of cancer cells.

  3. It’s tasty

    Plant milk comes in multiple options ranging from soy, almond, cashew, and rice, to oat, hemp, flax, and coconut. With an abundance of different tastes, you're sure to find one you'll love!

World Plant Milk Day dates

2023August 22Tuesday
2024August 22Thursday
2025August 22Friday
2026August 22Saturday
2027August 22Sunday

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