December 19th Holidays

We have 7 holidays listed for December 19.

December 19 is the 353rd day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, the last-ever Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost was sold in London, BBC World Service began broadcasting, and the European Space Angency launced Gaia. Famous birthdays include Jake Gyllenhaal, Alyssa Milano, and Criss Angel. December 19 also marks National Emo Day and National Hard Candy Day.


National Emo Day

The emo subculture has a long, storied history that reaches back to the 1980s.


National Hard Candy Day

Put the peanut butter balls and sugar cookies down, today is all about the hard stuff.


Goa Liberation Day

Goa is one of India’s smallest states and was under Portuguese possession for about 450 years.


Look for an Evergreen Day

If you still haven’t hunted down your Christmas tree, then you’re in luck!


National Harry Day

Learn the origins of the name Harry and why it remained so popular among boys.


National Heroes and Heroines Day

Take out your dancing shoes and join in the celebration as we honor Anguilla’s bravest people.


National Oatmeal Muffin Day

Healthy muffins that look like cupcakes and satisfy our sweet cravings? It doesn’t get better!