June 11th Holidays

We have 10 holidays listed for June 11.

June 11th is the 162nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, according to calculations by Eratosthenes, during the Trojan War, Troy is sacked and burned, the Continental Congress creates a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence, and 3 World Trade Center officially opens. Famous birthdays include Dr. Oz, Kodak Black, Hugh Laurie, and Gene Wilder. Today is National Corn on the Cob Day


National Corn on the Cob Day

There's no wrong or right method as long as it stays on that cob.


King Kamehameha Day

A highly revered leader, Kamehameha is honored each year with numerous celebrations across the Hawaiian islands.


National Cancer Thriver Day

Observe National Cancer Thriver Day to celebrate those surviving cancer and those thriving after beating it!


National Children’s Day

Celebrate National Children's Day by celebrating the precious kids in your life.


National German Chocolate Cake Day

Featuring rich chocolate layers coated in sweet and nutty frosting — but the dessert isn’t actually German!


National Making Life Beautiful Day

Remove those Snapchat and Instagram filters; see people for their real beauty!


National Olivia Day

Calling all those named Olivia! Get ready to celebrate your special eponymous day.


Race Unity Day

Bahá'í is the original sponsor of Race Unity Day but it can be celebrated by anyone.


Say Hi Day

Strangers can become best friends with just one word. So, say hi to someone today.


Yarn Bombing Day

There's no wrong way to make yarn graffiti, so make yours bold and colorful!