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National Alejandro Day – November 9, 2023

National Alejandro Day is celebrated on November 9 every year. It is the Spanish version of the name Alexander, meaning ‘defender of the people’ in Greek. It is a traditionally masculine name. Alejandro has many variations across languages. These include Aleksander in Czech and Polish, Alexandre in French, Alexandros in Greek, Alexander in Irish, and Alasdair in Gaelic. There have been many Alejandros in the public sphere in past years, including footballers, actors, politicians, etc. Most notably, ‘Alejandro’ is the name of a single released by American musician Lady Gaga.

History of National Alejandro Day

Alejandro is usually a masculine name of Spanish descent. It is the Spanish version of the name ‘Alexander,’ meaning ‘defender of the people’ in Greek. Alejandro has many variations across languages. These include Aleksander in Czech and Polish, Alexandre in French, Alexandros in Greek, Alexander in Irish, and Alasdair in Gaelic. There have been many Alejandros in the public sphere in past years, including footballers, actors, politicians, etc. It is even the title of a hit single by musician Lady Gaga.

‘Alejandro’ was released as the third single from Gaga’s third E.P., “The Fame Monster.” The song was inspired by Gaga’s “fear of the sex monster,” and details the singer bidding farewell to her lovers. The song itself is a piece of mid-tempo synth-pop music. The song received overall positive critical reviews. The song’s music video was directed by fashion photographer Steven Klien and was inspired by the singer’s “love for her gay friends and admiration of gay love.” The video features Gaga dancing with a group of soldiers in a cabaret, Gaga as a nun, and scantily-clad men holding machine guns. The music video was met with a considerable amount of controversy. The Catholic League criticized the singer for blasphemy whilst critics praised it for its dark themes.

Gaga wrote and produced the song alongside RedOne. Influences for the song included ABBA and Ace of Base. ‘Dance in the Dark’ was supposed to be the third single off the album, as planned by the singer’s label. However, Gaga’s choice was ‘Alejandro.’ Eventually, the disagreement was resolved and the single was released.

National Alejandro Day timeline


Synth-pop becomes popular.

Ace of Base

Swedish pop group Ace of Base is formed.

Debut Album

Lady Gaga releases her debut album, “The Fame.”


Lady Gaga releases ‘Alejandro’ as a single.

National Alejandro Day FAQs

Is Alejandro a Mexican name?

It is a Spanish name.

What is the female version of Alejandro?


Is Alejandro a girl or boy name?

It is a traditionally masculine name. All names can be unisex.

National Alejandro Day Activities

  1. Appreciate an Alejandro

    If you have a wonderful Alejandro in your life, go appreciate them. They’ll love the gesture.

  2. Look up the etymology of your name

    Your name is bound to be interesting, so look up the origin of your own name. You never know what you might find.

  3. Listen to the song

    Give Lady Gaga’s ‘Alejandro’ a listen. Not only is the single catchy, but the album it comes from is acclaimed.

5 Interesting Facts About Lady Gaga

  1. Birth name

    Lady Gaga’s real name is Stefanie Joanne Angeline Germanotta.

  2. Inspiration

    Lady Gaga’s stage name was inspired by the Queen song ‘Radio Ga Ga.’

  3. A long career

    Lady Gaga has been singing and acting since the age of four.

  4. Guest Wifi

    Lady Gaga’s father pioneered the installation of Wi-Fi in hotels.

  5. Dropping out

    Lady Gaga dropped out of New York University to pursue her music career.

Why We Love National Alejandro Day

  1. It’s a fun history lesson

    Names like Alejandro are beautiful. Learning about them is undoubtedly a fun experience.

  2. It reminds us of how languages interact with one another

    Alejandro is the Spanish version of a Greek name. Its existence reminds us that languages interact and seldom exist in a vacuum.

  3. We want to celebrate all Alejandros

    We love appreciating people! National Alejandro Day is the best opportunity to celebrate every Alejandro ever.

National Alejandro Day dates

2023November 9Thursday
2024November 9Saturday
2025November 9Sunday
2026November 9Monday
2027November 9Tuesday

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