June 7th Holidays

We have 16 holidays listed for June 7.

June 7th is the 158th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas that divides the new world along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands off the west coast of Africa and the Vatican City becomes a sovereign state. Famous birthdays include Prince, Liam Neeson, Anna Kournikova, Bill Hader, and Dean Martin. Today is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, Global Running Day, and Prince’s Birthday.


Global Running Day

Simply grab your running shoes, a bottle of water, and get your legs moving!


International Supply Chain Professionals Day

E2open, together with supply chain professionals, are now ‘Moving as one.’


World Caring Day

World Caring Day serves as a reminder that no act of caring is ever too small.


Anniversary of the Memorandum of the Slovak Nation

The most important national movement of Slovakia established their national identity and eventual independence.


Daniel Boone Day

Today, in 1769, Daniel Boone was the first American to see the valleys and forests of Kentucky!


Dissolution of Union between Norway and Sweden

Learn about the Dissolution of Union between Norway and Sweden right here.


June Bug Day

Switch on the porch light to attract a gathering of June bugs this June Bug Day.


Love Island Day

Let's get pumped for the new season of "Love Island" this Love Island Day.


National Alexandra Day

Alexandra is a lady with personality — who stands strong to defend those that she cares about.


National Benjamin Day

You have no fear and never resist change, Benjamin. This day is for you to celebrate!


National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Channel your inner Willy Wonka and pay tribute to this decadently frosty treat.


National Elias Day

For those named Elias, or sons named Elias, this day is all about you!


National Tailors Day

Here is all that you need to know to celebrate and enjoy National Tailors Day.


National VCR Day

Do you remember VCRs? Today is the best time to relive this technological innovation.


Sette Giugno

Celebrate Sette Giugno Day by sipping a delightful cocktail while learning about Malta’s history.


World Food Safety Day

Protecting our food, prioritizing our health, and living for a safer tomorrow.