October 31st Holidays

We have 13 holidays listed for October 31.

October 31st is the 304th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day the global population of humans reached seven billion, and the UN recognized it as the Day of Seven Billion; Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assissinated by her bodyguards, and Mount Rushmore was completed after 14 years of work. Famous October 31st birthdays include Dan Rather and John Candy. Today is Halloween and National Candy Apple Day.



Undoubtedly the creepiest, most ghostly holiday of them all.


​National Caramel Apple Day

Caramel apples and Halloween go together like ghosts, goblins, tricks, and treats.


National Unity Day (Rashtriya Ekta Diwas)

On this day, locals are encouraged to remember the inherent strength and resilience of the nation.


Books For Treats Day

On Halloween, there’s candy for the mind, and it is called books.


Girl Scout Founder’s Day

This day commemorates the heroics of Juliette Gordon Low, who founded the Girl Scouts.


Magic Day

Move over Halloween, Magic Day takes the spotlight this October 31.


National Doorbell Day

This Halloween, spare a thought for your doorbell as it chimes throughout the day.


National Knock Knock Joke Day

Get ready to open the door to fun punchlines on National Knock Knock Joke Day.


National Prince Day

Make a Prince proud and celebrate National Prince Day in style with excellent background music.


Reformation Day

The Reformation provided by Martin Luther has an immense and lasting influence worth celebrating.



Light a sacred bonfire and call out to the gods on this night!


World Cities Day

Let’s look at cities through the lens of World Cities Day this October 31.


World Savings Day

Remember, rather save today than spend all your money and be strapped for cash tomorrow.