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SatOct 28

National William Day – October 28, 2023

National William Day is celebrated every year on October 28 by people all around the globe. It’s the day on which everyone gathers to praise and honor every person named William! So many different Williams all over the world have contributed to their communities in significant ways. We’ve got actors, musicians, activists, athletes, and even filmmakers! Without them, the world wouldn’t really be the same, would it? Join us on this journey to learn all about some of the greatest Williams out there!

History of National William Day

William is a variation of the name Willahelm of Germanic origin, which means “helmet of desire.” The most popular variants of William include Wilhelm, Villem, Guilherme, Guillermo, and Willa, which is a feminine form of the name. Williams are mostly found in English-speaking areas such as England, Australia, and Canada, though you’ll also come across Williams elsewhere, of course, like in Denmark, where it has even been held by royalty.

Most people would describe William as a name that gives off strong and refined energy, as well as it being a formal name that carries a touch of maturity. Many famous personalities throughout history have carried the name, such as English author William Shakespeare, former American president William Harrison, Scottish knight during the First War of Scottish Independence Sir William Wallace, and American actor Willem Dafoe.

The name William is also found in fiction. In the video game series “Five Nights at Freddy’s”, one of the main antagonists is called William, and in the book series “The Infernal Devices” by Cassandra Clare, one of the main characters is called William. This is also the name of a television series from the 1960s. It’s estimated that nearly 2,460,000 Americans are named William, which means that there are almost 770 Williams for every 100,000 Americans. It has also been ranked the 6th most popular name in the United States.

National William Day timeline

William Shakespeare

Two friends of the English author publish most of his work after his passing.

William Harrison

The president takes over the office but passes away 31 days later.

Willem Dafoe

The actor receives his first Academy Award nomination for his supporting role in “Platoon”.

William Afton

The character is mentioned in the first released game of the “Five Nights at Freddy’s” saga.

National William Day FAQs

What was William Shakespeare famous for?

Shakespeare is largely regarded as the greatest playwright of all time and the most important writer in the English language’s history. He coined hundreds of terms and phrases that are still used by English speakers today.

Why did Willem Dafoe change his name?

Dafoe claims that the moniker was really just a sloppy pronunciation of his true name, but he liked the slight alteration. The new moniker was adopted. As a result, it was too late for him to change back once he became an actor.

What did William Faulkner win the Nobel Prize for?

William Faulkner received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1949 “for his profound and aesthetically distinctive contribution to the contemporary American novel.”

National William Day Activities

  1. Write a letter

    You definitely know someone named William, whether they are one of your close friends or a famous figure. So why not write them a personalized letter to show them your appreciation?

  2. Design a card

    It’s okay if you’re not that good with words. You can always choose to express your love by designing your own card! Sharpen those colored pencils and get your scissors ready to make a beautiful card for that special William in your life.

  3. Give a shoutout to a famous William

    Don’t have anyone in your circle named William? No problem! Choose someone from our list to shout out on social media!

5 Amazing Williams You Should Know About

  1. Bill Gates

    Gates’ actual name is William — he’s a business entrepreneur, software developer, investor, author, and philanthropist from the United States.

  2. William Holden

    Holden was an American actor — one of the most popular movie stars of the 1950s who was famous for movies like "Stalag 17" and “The Blue Knight.”

  3. William Nylander

    Nylander is a professional Canadian ice hockey right winger with the Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League.

  4. William Phipps

    Phipps was an actor and producer from the United States.

  5. William Faulkner

    Faulkner was an American novelist and short-story writer most known for his works set in the fictitious Yoknapatawpha County, which was based on Lafayette County, Mississippi, where Faulkner lived for the majority of his life.

Why We Love National William Day

  1. It’s all about William

    We love expressing our fondness for those around us! When it comes to Williams, it’s no different! This day gets us all together for the sake of William, and we love that!

  2. We get to appreciate Williams

    We don’t really need a specific day to show our appreciation, right? But it’s nice to get a special day to remember and give love to every William around the globe!

  3. It’s like a second birthday

    Celebrating your name day means double the gifts you receive every year for simply being yourself! It’s like celebrating your birthday a second time annually!

National William Day dates

2023October 28Saturday
2024October 28Monday
2025October 28Tuesday
2026October 28Wednesday
2027October 28Thursday

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