October 16th Holidays

We have 16 holidays listed for October 16.

October 16th is the 289th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day former Chilean dictator Augustin Pinochet was arrested in London on a murder extradition warrant; Bishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and C.S. Lewis's The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe was first published. Famous October 16th birthdays include Oscar Wilde, Angela Lansbury, and Tim Robbins. Today is National Liqueur Day and Global Cat Day.


National Feral Cat Day

Start practicing your alley cat strut and get your feline friends together.


World Food Day

Where would we be without food? We certainly wouldn’t be at Starbucks, grocery stores or restaurants.


Day of the Races

Day of the Race is a significant holiday, despite some resistance in the indigenous community.


Dictionary Day

Webster was a true pioneer for creating the reference book we use so ubiquitously!


Global Cat Day

Educating, engaging, and empowering people to defend and protect cats is the right thing to do.


Heroes and Forefathers Day

Creating a more British Virgin Islands-focused holiday honors the territory’s rich past.


National Boss's Day

If you are blessed with a great boss, you could call ‘em a boss boss.


National Department Store Day

Get ready as we explore department stores and their fascinating history today.


National Eddie Day

Happy National Eddie Day to all the Eddies across the world. Enjoy your day!


National Elaine Day

National Elaine Day is here! Ready to celebrate what makes you unique? Let’s go!


National Heroes' Day of Jamaica

Jamaica has seven great heroes that are remembered and cherished even today.


​National Liqueur Day

Liqueurs are basically alcoholic beverages made from distilled spirits — with lots of added flavors.


National Trey Day

Whether your name is Tremaine or Trenton, as long as it's Trey, today is yours!


National Veterans BBQ Day

Treat veterans around you with a smoking barbeque cookout and drinks on this day.


World Allergy Awareness Day

Discover all the ways to eliminate, and not exacerbate your allergies.


World Spine Day

When your spine hurts, everything hurts. Here’s why World Spine Day is so important!