August 29th Holidays

We have 10 holidays listed for August 29.

August 29 is the 241st day of the Gregorian calendar. On this day, the Treaty of Picquigny ended a war between France and England, Michael Faraday discocered electromagnetic induction, and Netflix launched its internet DVD rental. Famous birthdays include Lea Michele, Ingrid Bergman, and Liam Payne. August 29 also marks National Lemon Juice Day.


National Lemon Juice Day

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!


According to Hoyle Day

Who is Hoyle? And how did he become an expert on rules and card games?


Founding Anniversary of the Senate

Get ready for a historical trip to the politics of the Philippine Senate.


Individual Rights Day

Celebrate your individual rights and the man who made it happen — John Locke.


International Day against Nuclear Tests

Let’s raise awareness about the devastating effects of nuclear weapons.


Literacy & Numeracy Week

Read about it, write about it, crunch it, and calculate it all through this week!


More Herbs, Less Salt Day

Salt is out, seasoning is in!


National Chop Suey Day

Let’s enjoy hot chop suey as we learn about its history and facts.


National Sports Day

Calling all sports fans! Join us in celebrating field hockey and all other sporting activities.


National Uprising Day

On Slovak National Uprising Anniversary, we’re celebrating peace and honoring the lost.