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National Men's Grooming Day – August 18, 2023

National Men’s Grooming Day is celebrated on the third Friday of August each year. This year, it will be held on August 18, although we believe every day should be men’s grooming day. How many times have you used hand wash to cleanse your face or used body wash for your hair? When was the last time you wore sunscreen? If you are a man or know a man, you know what we’re getting at.

The market is flooded with thousands of variants for shampoos and body lotions, and don’t even get us started on the serums, but all targeted at women! Now is the day to let go of the age-old stereotype that grooming is only for women and embrace self-care king! Not only will you look great but we promise you’ll also feel great!

History of National Men's Grooming Day

National Men’s Grooming Day was founded and sponsored by American Crew, a company that supplies men’s grooming products and takes a lot of pride in doing so. It is also a leading salon brand that caters specifically to men. The day was founded as a reminder for men to overhaul their grooming routine and take better care of themselves.

Male grooming has a long history dating back to ancient Egypt. While it has had its ups and downs, the practice became popular during the Elizabethan era and has been on the rise ever since. During the Victorian era, more households started using soaps, and getting blemish treatments were all the rage. Anti-aging products were also introduced in this era.

In the 1900s, Hollywood celebrities with their slick hair, clean-shaven beard, and style popularized male grooming even more. Fragrances, easy-to-use razors, and many more technological advancements have made grooming easier than ever!

For far too long, grooming and self-care have been associated with women and considered a feminine thing to do. But that image is fast-changing as the men’s grooming products market is fast expanding. People everywhere are realizing the importance of taking care of their appearance. Not only does it make you look great, but investing that precious time in yourself also has a positive effect on your psychological well-being making you happier and more confident! This new spark in men’s grooming has also led to the creation of the term manscaping.

National Men's Grooming Day timeline

10,000 B.C.
Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians are fond of aloe vera, bathing milk, and fragrant oils, and men commonly use fragrances and kohl on their faces to protect them from the sun.

100 A.D.
Roman Empire

The Romans are big on washing themselves and have several communal baths.

500s- 1500s
Middle Ages

This is a challenging period where male grooming is likened to the “devil’s work” by the Church, which was against grooming.

The Elizabeth Era

Male grooming starts becoming popular again, with sage being used for teeth whitening and rosemary water as a hair-care product.

National Men's Grooming Day FAQs

What does male grooming include?

It can include cleanliness, hair care, styling, using skincare — which includes scalp care, using a good fragrance, wearing S.P.F, neatly pressed clothes, eating well, and of course, exercising to stay healthy.

Why is male grooming important?

A daily grooming routine helps maintain personal hygiene and it keeps you looking and feeling young, attractive, and clean.

How often should you get haircuts?

Unless you have long hair, getting haircuts routinely is of the utmost importance. For most men, every two to four weeks is enough.

National Men's Grooming Day Activities

  1. Visit a salon

    Visit your nearest salon to spruce up your style. Try a different hairstyle, a new hair color, or even go in for some relaxing spa treatments!

  2. Build a routine

    Build yourself a simple yet effective skincare routine. Start with the basics like cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, using S.P.F., and soon move on to serums and essences. You’ll be singing about Potassium Azeloyl Diglycinate and Galactomyces in no time!

  3. Talk to a man about grooming

    Talk to the men in your life about how grooming is not only acceptable but also desirable. Help destroy the stigma around male grooming and look great while doing it.

5 Facts About Male Grooming That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Hair dyes were used in ancient Rome

    The Romans were among the first to try out hair dyes and usually colored their hair blond, but often the dye was so harsh it would make all their hair fall out permanently.

  2. Grooming could be deadly

    Many grooming products were made of arsenic and lead before we discovered their harmful properties.

  3. Staying fit is important

    Men spend a year and three months of their lives in the gym perfecting their bodies.

  4. Cosmetic surgery is on the rise

    From 2000 to 2010, the global demand for male cosmetic surgery surged by 258%.

  5. The best a man could get

    Some 15,000 years ago, long before razors were invented, men used everything from clamshells, flint knives, and shark teeth to shave.

Why We Love National Men's Grooming Day

  1. It has a long history

    Although it may seem like men have only recently gotten into the grooming business, the practice has existed for thousands of years. And so of course it deserves a whole day of celebration!

  2. The cleaner the better

    Spending just a few extra minutes every morning on grooming can make a man look much cleaner and neater. Now, who doesn’t want that?

  3. It breaks the stigma of male grooming

    Many men are still hesitant to talk about and indulge in grooming due to fear of being labeled “feminine.” Having a day dedicated to men’s grooming challenges this notion and encourages men to take care of themselves.

National Men's Grooming Day dates

2022August 19Friday
2023August 18Friday
2024August 16Friday
2025August 15Friday
2026August 21Friday

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