August 9th Holidays

We have 15 holidays listed for August 9.

August 9th is the 221st day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day in 1790, the Columbia returned to Boston Harbor after carrying an American flag around the world. In 1892, Thomas Edison got a patent for his telegraph. In 1974, President Nixon resigned. Whitney Houston and Anna Kendrick were born on this day. August 9th marks National Rice Pudding Day, National Veep Day and National Book Lovers Day.


National Book Lovers Day

Books are the purest form of escapism.  They transport you to any time, place, or culture.


Adivasi Divas

Adivasi Divas celebrates the struggle of tribes in the Indian subcontinent for better lives.


Annual Perseid Meteor Shower Peak Night

Lay on your back on your rooftop and experience the Annual Perseid Meteor Shower Peak Night.


Co Working Day

Pick a coworking space and prepare to collaborate with individuals from different but related fields.


Ekka People's Day

We've got some amazing ideas to celebrate Ekka People's Day so scroll down and check them out.


Hold Hands Day

We’re holding hands, spreading love, and showing kindness on this special day.


International Day of The World's Indigenous People

Let’s sign the social contract to ensure no indigenous groups are left behind.


Nagasaki Memorial Day

Help free the world from nuclear weapons and make it a better place for all.


National Psychiatric Technician Appreciation Day

Let’s show our appreciation for those who care by celebrating the heroes of mental healthcare.


National Rebecca Day

Rebecca is more than just a name — find out more as we dig deep into it.


National Rice Pudding Day

Rice pudding is the ultimate dessert because of its versatility and health benefits.


National Veep Day

Let’s learn about the American constitution and the related presidential succession plans.


National Women's Day

Every fight gets us one step closer to freedom and equality for women.


Singapore National Day

Singapore National Day is observed to celebrate Singapore’s independence from Malaysia in 1965.


Suriname Indigenous People's Day

Let’s celebrate indigenous people and acknowledge how they are indispensable to the Surinamese heritage.