August 7th Holidays

We have 25 holidays listed for August 7.

August 7th is the 219th day in the Gregorian calendar. In 1959, America launched the Explorer 6. In 1987, Central American leaders gathered for peace talks. In 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he would run for office. Charlize Theron and Mike Trout were born on this day. August 7th marks National Lighthouse Day and National Purple Heart Day.


Civic Holiday

Civic Holiday strives to help foster the spirit of community among residents.


Aged Care Employee Day

Aged care workers are there to assure that the lives of your elders are in safe hands.


Battle of Boyaca

Today, Colombians celebrate the decisive battle that freed them from the clutches of the Spanish.


Battle of Boyaca

The Battle of Boyacá is recognized as the beginning of South America’s independence struggle.


British Columbia Day

All across Canada, the day is marked by parades, festivals, and other public gatherings.


Commerce Day

Commerce Day is a day to rest — leave work and relax on this public holiday.


Côte d'Ivoire Independence Day

Join Ivorians across the globe as they wish Côte d'Ivoire bonne fête de l'indépendance.


Festival Monday

Get your party hats and put on your dancing shoes; it’s Festival Monday!


Heritage Day in Alberta

Sunshine, fresh air, and open spaces, Alberta is a melting pot of different cultures and ethnicities.


Ivory Coast Independence Day

Ivory Coast Independence Day is an annual event that commemorates the Ivory Coast’s anniversary of independence.


Kadooment Day

Put on your finest clothes and get ready to party all day long.


Kiribati Youth Day

Celebrate Kiribati Youth Day with youth across the globe hoping for a brighter future.


Natal Day

Get ready to celebrate, attend a lot of outdoor parties and eat a ton of cake.


National Lighthouse Day

We celebrate how these scenic, historic structures comforted travelers throughout the centuries.


National Raspberries n’ Cream Day

Get ready to eat as many raspberries as you can on this special day!


National Sea Serpent Day

Join the ancient quest for truth as we study the legend of the great sea serpents.


National Valentino Day

If you’re a Valentino, then today is your day to shine. Celebrate National Valentino Day today!


New Brunswick Day

It's not often that a birthday party is held for an entire province!


New South Wales Bank Holiday

Let's all celebrate three day weekends—the savior of nine-to-fivers around the world.


Northern Territory Picnic Day

Northern Territory Aussies have been celebrating Picnic Day since the late 1800s.


Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day

Let’s minimize unnecessary packaging and say no to plastic bags to reduce waste.


Professional Speakers Day

Get your mics ready to talk about all the great information we have about professional speakers.


Purple Heart Day

We remember and honor the men and women who bravely represented and sacrificed for their country.


Terry Fox Day

Honor a great man, a great foundation and a great cause by celebrating Terry Fox Day.


World Alternative Games

A day cannot get any more eccentric, thrilling, and fantastic than this.