April 27th Holidays

We have 40 holidays listed for April 27.

April 27th is the 117th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of American troops capturing York in the War of 1812 and the beginning of construction on the Freedom Towers in New York City. Famous April 27th birthdays include Kate Pierson, Ari Graynor, William Moseley, and Jenna Coleman. April 27th also marks National Day of Silence and National Prime Rib Day.


Autism Super Mom Day

Happy Autism Super Mom Day! Thank you, super moms, for the care and nurturing you provide.


Babe Ruth Day

Explore Babe Ruth’s extraordinary life through his childhood, baseball years, and cancer.


Bob Wills Day

Celebrating The King Of Western Swing, Bob Wills, right here with us at National Today.


Day of Uprising Against Occupation

Let’s mark the anniversary of the founding of the Slovenian Liberation Front.


Eeyore’s Birthday

Friends of the Forest never forget to make animals feel special on this day.


Free Feral Cat Spay Day

Honor cats of all kinds, no matter where they call home. Help them get spayed!


Freedom Day (South Africa)

Freedom Day celebrates the struggles and victories of the people of South Africa to reach independence.


Independent Bookstore Day

Join us as we turn the page and learn why books matter so much.


International Donor Conception Awareness Day

Help educate others about the significance of donor conception in the lives of infertile couples.


International Marconi Day

Today, we acknowledge the inventor of wireless communication and seamless radio transmission.


International Sculpture Day

Get your hammer and chisel ready, it’s International Sculpture Day! Celebrate right here with us!



Happy Koningsdag to all of the Dutch people, and happy birthday to King Willem-Alexander!


Lapu Lapu Day

Let us do a little victory dance in honor of Lapu-Lapu Day!


Mantanzas Mule Day

Learn the story of a mule honored after losing its life during the American-Spanish War.


Marine Mammal Rescue Day

Today, we pay tribute to all marine life contributors. Let us send them our gratitude!


Morse Code Day

Learn about Morse code history, facts, and why this code is so important to the world.


National Alicia Day

Take the day to celebrate all the Alicias you know and love, famous or not.


National Day of Puppetry

Celebrate the fascinating theatrics of puppets on this day and make one for yourself!


National Devil Dog Day

Our celebrations for National Devil Dog Day this April 27 promise to be very sweet indeed!


National Go Birding Day

It’s time to break out the binoculars and observe the activities of our feathered friends.


National Kiss of Hope Day

Learn how to embody hope and work with your partner to support your household.


National Little Pampered Dog Day

Every dog has the right to be pampered and treated like royalty.


National Patricia Day

Celebrate National Patricia Day by recognizing all the great Patricas you know.


National Pneumatics Day

Get eco-friendly production spaces using clean, dry compressed air in automation and processing equipment.


National Pool Opening Day

See how pool owners across the country take care of their pools in preparation for summer.


National Prime Rib Day

A feast day to honor the classic cut of the finest beef ever known to man.


National Rebuilding Day

Roll up your sleeves and grab your tools, it’s time to get building.


National Sense of Smell Day

Don’t turn your nose up at this day dedicated to preserving your sense of smell.


National Teach Children To Save Day

It’s never too early to teach your children about the importance of saving money.


National Tell A Story Day

Bring color to your life and spread joy through the art of storytelling!


Order of National Artists

We've compiled some cool history tidbits, fun facts, and awesome ways to celebrate, just for you!


Save the Frogs Day

Today is dedicated to our hoppy, jumpy friends who are an important part of our environment.


Sierra Leone Independence Day

To all Sierra Leoneans, on your independence anniversary, we celebrate with you.


Togo Independence Day (Togo)

Today, come join us in celebrating the anniversary of Togo's Independence Day!


Woody Woodpecker Day

Let's take a journey down memory lane, shall we, all you crazy birds?


World Design Day

The world would be a dull place without good design. Let’s appreciate it today!


World Healing Day

We've got the best ways to spend this day with the most rejuvenating activities.


World Tai Chi and Qigong Day

Take part in a global event that promotes the importance of maintaining your well-being.


World Tapir Day

World Tapir Day strives to safeguard these endangered species for future generations.


World Veterinary Day

Today, we are celebrating veterinarians and the bonds between people and animals!