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National Daniel Day – July 6, 2023

National Daniel Day is celebrated on July 6 every year. The name is conventionally masculine. It is a biblical name and can be traced back to the Old Testament, where it was defined as ‘God is my judge.’ Thus, the first Daniel, the biblical one, was known for his unwavering loyalty to the God of Israel. Because he refused to bow down to the king, he was cast into a lion’s den, but God saved him. The name seemingly never goes out of style. This National Daniel Day encourages you to appreciate the Daniel in your life!

History of National Daniel Day

Daniel is of Hebrew origin. It is a biblical name and can be traced back to the Old Testament, where it was defined as ‘God is my judge.’ Thus, the first Daniel, the biblical one, was known for his unwavering loyalty to the God of Israel. Because he refused to bow down to the king, he was cast into a lion’s den, but God saved him. The name seemingly never goes out of style.

Daniel is the main character of the “Book of Daniel.” In the Hebrew Bible, Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon captured Daniel, who was a Jewish youth of noble birth. He served the king and subsequent successors until the Persian annexation of Cyprus. He remained loyal to the God of Israel throughout. Daniel is a revered figure in all three Abrahamic religions. He is not a Jewish prophet but is recognized as a pious and good person. Despite not being referenced in the Quran, he is revered as a prophet in Islam and Christianity.

He is known for his righteousness and wisdom as a follower of the God El. The “Book of Daniel” chronicles Daniel’s life. It is a combination of history and eschatology. The book has been a very influential part of all three Abrahamic religions. It is believed that the prime minister of Ahasuerus, Haman, killed him. Daniel’s body was said to have been laid in a tower in Ecbatana before being buried. Today, six cities assert that they are Daniel’s final resting place and the site for his tomb; Babylon, Kirkuk, Muqdadiyah, Susa, Malamir, and Samarkand.

National Daniel Day timeline

3400 B.C.
First Recorded Name

The earliest known name, Kushim, is etched onto a clay tablet during the Mesopotamian era.

2nd Century B.C.
The “Book of Daniel”

The “Book of Daniel,” a biblical apocalypse, is written.

1st Century A.D.
Old Testament

Christians write the Old Testament.

313 A.D.
Spread of Christianity

Christianity begins to spread across Europe.

National Daniel Day FAQs

Is Daniel a girl’s name?

Daniel can be a girl’s name, though it is conventionally masculine.

What is Danny short for?

Danny is short for Daniel or Daniela.

Can Dane be short for Daniel?

Yes, Dane can be short for Daniel.

National Daniel Day Activities

  1. Appreciate a Daniel

    If you have a wonderful Daniel in your life, appreciate them. Pamper them on this day with flowers and gifts. Remind them how special they are.

  2. Understand the etymology of your name

    Your name is bound to be interesting, so look up the origin of your name. Know the facts and learn to respect and love your name.

  3. Read about Daniel

    Read "The Book of Daniel," a second-century B.C. biblical apocalypse about Daniel's life.

5 Interesting Facts About The Bible

  1. Yearly sales

    Every year, the Bible sells over 100 million copies.

  2. Translations

    The Bible has been translated into over 690 languages.

  3. Original Language

    The Bible was originally written in Hebrew.

  4. Longest book

    The Bible's longest book is "The Book of Jeremiah."

  5. Etymology

    The word 'bible' comes from the Greek ‘Ta Biblia,' which means 'the books.'

Why We Love National Daniel Day

  1. It's nice to know

    Names like Daniel are quite popular. The name has been prevalent among boys. It is interesting to know the meaning and origin of the name.

  2. Etymology and history often have fun stories

    Etymology and history are often rife with fun stories and anecdotes. Looking up the history of a particular name can be very entertaining.

  3. We love our Daniels

    We know some fabulous Daniels and can't wait to celebrate them! Make sure your Daniel knows how special they are on this day.

National Daniel Day dates

2023July 6Thursday
2024July 6Saturday
2025July 6Sunday
2026July 6Monday
2027July 6Tuesday

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