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National Lauren Day – June 28, 2023

National Lauren Day is celebrated on June 28 every year. The name itself is of French origin, generally given to children of any gender. The meaning of the name is somewhat shrouded in mystery. It has been interpreted as ‘wisdom’ or to reference the laurel plant. It is derived from the French name, Laurence, which, in turn, was derived from the Roman surname, Laurentius, which, in turn, is derived from Laurentum,’ an ancient Italian city (‘Laurentum’). Lauren can also be a family name. Although it is a traditionally masculine name, it began to gain popularity when it began being attributed to actress Lauren Bacall.

History of National Lauren Day

Lauren is of French origin, generally given to children of any gender. Though it is a traditionally masculine name, it began to gain popularity when it began being attributed to actress Lauren Bacall.

Bacall was born Betty Joan Perske in 1924 and went on to become an immensely famous actor active during the Golden Age of Hollywood. She originally rose to fame for her beauty and husky voice. Bacall began her career as a model for she made her film debut at the young age of 19, starring opposite Humphrey Bogart in “To Have and Have Not.” Throughout her long career, Bacall starred in several films including “How to Marry a Millionaire,” “Key Largo,” “Written on the Wind,” “Harper,” and “The Shootist.” She also starred in Broadway musicals “Applause” and “Woman of the Year,” for which she won Tony Awards.

During the later years of her career, Bacall gained appreciation, recognition, and love from an entirely different generation of viewers, owing to her phenomenal acting, both on screen and through her voice, in “Misery,” “Dogville,” “Howl’s Moving Castle,” and “Ernest & Celestine.” Bacall died in 2014 of a stroke.

National Lauren Day timeline

Lauren Bacall

Betty Jean Perske, who will go on to Lauren Bacall, is born.

Her Film Debut

Bacall makes her film debut with the film “To Have and Have Not.”

Bacall on Broadway

Bacall plays the lead in a Broadway musical for the first time in “Goodbye Charlie.”

Her Final Film

Bacall appears in her final film, “The Forger.”

National Lauren Day FAQs

What does the name Lauren mean spiritually?

Lauren is a Latin name that means “of laurel leaves.” In the “Bible,” it’s an emblem of prosperity and symbolizes Christ’s resurrection.

What personality do people associate with the name Lauren?

When people hear the name Lauren, they perceive you as someone who is strong and powerful.

What is the rarest girl name?

The rarest girl’s name is Elora because it ranked the lowest on the popularity charts, along with Hadleigh and Ophelia.

National Lauren Day Activities

  1. Appreciate a Lauren

    If you have a lovely Lauren in your life, go appreciate them. There’s no better day than today.

  2. Look up the history of your name

    Your name is bound to be interesting. Look up the origin of your own name and find out more about its history.

  3. Watch a Lauen Bacall film

    Watch something from Bacall’s extensive filmography. You’ll enjoy the experience.

5 Interesting Facts About Lauren Bacall

  1. She took her stage name from Weinstein

    Bacall took her stage name from the root of her mother’s maiden name, Weinstein, and translated it into Romanian to get ‘bokal.’

  2. She was an instant critic-favorite

    Bacall’s debut performance in “To Have and Have Not” was loved by critics.

  3. She named the Rat Pack

    The Rat Pack was the name used for Frank Sinatra’s famous group of friends — and it was Bacall who came up with the name.

  4. She passed away just shy of 90

    Bacall died in her long-time Manhattan home at the age of 89.

  5. One Academy Award nomination

    Throughout her long career, Bacall was nominated for an Academy Award only once, for the 1196 romantic comedy “The Mirror Has Two Faces.”

Why We Love National Lauren Day

  1. It’s a fun lesson in name origins

    All names have a fascinating history. It’s kind of a personalized history lesson when you look them up!

  2. Names chronicle how intertwined language can be

    Names like Lauren, with unclear etymology, are very interesting. They highlight how intertwined languages can be.

  3. It’s great to appreciate people

    We love appreciating people across the globe. So any and all excuses to do that are fun for us!

National Lauren Day dates

2023June 28Wednesday
2024June 28Friday
2025June 28Saturday
2026June 28Sunday
2027June 28Monday

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