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Pluot & Aprium Month – June 2023

Pluot & Aprium Month is celebrated throughout the month of June by people from all around the world. These fruits are well-known for their sweetness and versatility in the kitchen, where they are used as ingredients in a variety of desserts and other dishes. During this time, people are encouraged to reflect on the benefits of the two fruits and learn more creative ways to include them in their daily lives.

History of Pluot & Aprium Month

Pluots and apriums are both hybrid fruits. This means they result from cross-pollination between two other fruits. The genetic components of the Japanese plum and apricots with pluots. Apriums are a hybrid of apricots and plums, but they taste more like apricots. Both are creations of biologist Floyd Zaiger, an American who founded a fruit breeding company and created nearly 450 different varieties of plants.

Pluots have a very sweet flavor that is similar to plums, but not as sweet. These fruits have a very smooth surface and a wide range of varieties that can satisfy almost anyone’s taste. Some of its sweetest variations include “Flavor Jewel,” “Flavor Royal,” and “Flavorosa.” One of the most well-known pluot variations is “Dinosaur Eggs,” which have yellow skin but are very red or pink on the inside, and are incredibly juicy. Pluots are usually harvested late within the season.

Apriums, on the other hand, do not have as many varieties. There are only three: “Cot-N-Candy,” “Flavor Delight,” and “Tasty Rich Aprium.” All of these have different harvesting seasons and most have a significant amount of aftertaste, which makes for a variety of kitchen utilities. Apriums are very similar to apricots but have an added sweetness because of a hybrid cross with plums. Most apriums have a velvety exterior and can be harvested early in the season.

Pluot & Aprium Month timeline

The Father of Genetics

Gregor Mendel pioneers plant hybridization research.

Learning to Breed

Floyd Zaiger begins his plant breeding studies with Fred Anderson, the inventor of the nectarine.

First Patents

Floyd Zaiger patents his first few varieties of peach and nectarine.


Floyd Zaiger receives the Wilder Award for his contributions to science and his varieties.

Pluot & Aprium Month FAQs

When is pluots season?

The best time of the year to harvest and buy pluots is late in the summer. However, you can usually find them in great condition throughout the month of October.

What’s the difference between aprium and pluot?

Apriums are a lot more similar to peaches, with fuzzy skin and a more apricot color. Pluots have smoother skin and are more like plums.

Are apriums good for you?

Aprium fruits are high in vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. Calcium, iron, and protein are all found in them as well.

Pluot & Aprium Month Activities

  1. Eat some pluot

    Try some pluots! This fruit is said to taste sweeter and have less acid than regular plums. It's delicious when mixed into tarts or crisps!

  2. Eat some aprium

    Why don’t you try some aprium as well? This fruit tastes sweeter than a regular apricot and even has a slight plum flavor!

  3. Mix the two

    You've enjoyed both fruits on their own, right? Why not combine the two in a dish? Cut up both fruits and mix them into a cake batter before baking to make a delicious pluot and aprium cake!

5 Cool Facts About Pluots And Apriums You’ll Love

  1. They are a cross species

    Both pluots and apriums result from genetic crossings of different species with similar genetic patterns; however, because the crossing was done by hand pollination, this does not imply that they have been genetically modified.

  2. They are sweet but not sugary

    Although pluots and apriums have a sweet flavor, this does not imply that they are high in sugar; their sweetness comes from fructose, which is a natural component of fruits.

  3. They are indeed delicious additions

    Both of these fruits can be used in a variety of recipes, and they taste even better when added to pies, tarts, and even salads.

  4. They provide an immunity boost

    Fruits high in vitamin C can help regulate and improve the function of your immune system and luckily for us, apriums and pluots are high in vitamin C!

  5. They keep you hydrated

    Pluots contain an insane amount of water, so you can almost ditch your old water bottle and eat a bunch to stay hydrated.

Why We Love Pluot & Aprium Month

  1. It’s all about staying healthy

    We love to eat, but we also love staying healthy! Living longer and healthier should be everyone’s goal! This holiday provides us the opportunity to indulge in tasty food, all while keeping healthy.

  2. It’s all about food

    We love food because it keeps us alive and running! Pluot and Aprium Month is a great holiday to take advantage of eating and cooking delicious dishes with these fruits.

  3. It keeps us creative in the kitchen

    Imagine just how many recipes you can learn in an entire month! Cooking and baking can improve your creativity in the kitchen and allow you to invent new dishes!

Pluot & Aprium Month dates

2023June 1Thursday
2024June 1Saturday
2025June 1Sunday
2026June 1Monday
2027June 1Tuesday
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