March 4th Holidays

We have 32 holidays listed for March 4.

March 4th is the sixty-third day (sixty-fourth in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of Vermont becoming the fourteenth state, the passing of the 11th Amendment, and the formation of the United States Department of Labor. Famous March 4th birthdays include Steven Weber, Whitney Port, and Brooklyn Beckham. March 4th also marks National Grammar Day and National Hug a G.I. Day.


National Grammar Day

“It’s an imperative to speak well, write well, and help others do the same!”


National Hug a G.I. Day

The only day on the calendar that’s also a military command — "March Forth!"


National Sons Day

Boys will be boys and molding our sons into responsible men is a journey in itself.


Anniversary of The Coronation of The Sultan of Terengganu

Let us join Malaysians as they pay tribute to their Sultan on his coronation anniversary.


Benjamin Harrison Day

Join us as we celebrate and remember Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd President of the United States.


Brain Injury Awareness Day

Follow the evolution of our understanding of brain injuries and why collective awareness is important.


Casimir Pulaski Day

To make America great, several soldiers sacrificed their lives. One of them is Casimir Pulaski.


Courageous Follower Day

Learn about the two sides of the leadership coin on Courageous Follower Day.


Fun Facts About Names Day

It’s a fun day to learn about the meaning, history, and importance of your name.


Global Day of the Engineer

Celebrate the outstanding contributions of engineers on Global Day of the Engineer.


Guam Discovery Day

Tune in to celebrate and honor the rich cultural heritage and history of Guam!


Guam History And Chamorro Heritage Day

Here’s everything you need to know about Guam and the Chamorro people. Read on for more.


Holy Experiment Day

Did you know that Holy Experiment Day is about the story of the Founding of Pennsylvania?


HPV Awareness Day

Help prevent the dangers of H.P.V. by spreading useful information about the virus.


International GM's Day

There’s no game without a game master, all the more reason to appreciate them.


International Scrap Booking Industry Day

Unearth and dust your scrapbooks in readiness to travel down the lane of memories!


Lavity Stoutt's Birthday

A revered leader of the British Virgin Islands with one of the longest parliamentary careers.


March Forth

Get ready to kickstart your dreams and aspirations this March Forth day!


Marching Music Day

March to the rhythm and celebrate the musicians, composers, and performers of the ‘march’ music genre.


National Backcountry Ski Day

Put on your skis and join the fun celebrations on National Backcountry Ski Day.


National Dance The Waltz Day

Want to throw some dance moves? Don’t worry, National Dance the Waltz Day is here!


National Ida Day

Celebrate National Ida Day by finding out how uncommon the name Ida is in your area!


National Pound Cake Day

Today, we celebrate pound cakes, remembering everything the minimalist dessert has to offer.


National Quinton Day

On National Quinton Day, reach out to other Quintons and celebrate how unique your name is.


National Ray Day

Celebrate National Ray Day by appreciating all the other Rays in the world.


National Safety Day

National Safety Day is a major event supported by both local and national Indian governments.


National Snack Day

Stock up your cupboards and mark your calendars in honor of National Snack Day.


Old Inauguration Day

Ever wondered why the law that changed the old inauguration date was nicknamed “Lame Duck Amendment”?


Toy Soldier Day

Relive your childhood and have fun with our charming chronicle of Toy Soldier Day!


World Day of Fight against Sexual Exploitation

Take a stand and together let us all say no to all forms of sexual exploitation.


World Obesity Day

Obesity is an epidemic, putting people at a higher risk for more serious diseases.


World Tennis Day

Learn the power of a good serve and watch the court come alive!