February 26th Holidays

We have 12 holidays listed for February 26.

February 26th is the fifty-seventh day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of President Woodrow Wilson signing the act of Congress establishing the Grand Canyon National Park, the launch of the Apollo program’s AS-201 (the first flight of the Saturn IB rocket), and the World Trade Center bombing. Famous February 27th birthdays include Johnny Cash, Michael Bolton, Corinne Bailey Rae, and Nate Ruess. February 27th also marks National Pistachio Day.


Letter to an Elder Day

The art of letter-writing is honored as a way to send love!


National Pistachio Day

Sometimes great things really do come in small packages.


Black Lives Matter Day

Let's vow not to have another George Floyd or Trayvon Martin incident.


Carnival Day

Whoever said tradition is a thing of the past clearly did not attend a carnival.


Carpe Diem Day

Let’s carpe diem and make the most of the present, living life to the fullest.


For Pete's Sake Day

For Pete’s Sake, it’s another fun holiday! Join us as we learn more about the day.


International Tongue Twister Contest Day

Join us as we celebrate International Tongue Twister Contest Day this February.


Kuwait Liberation Day

Let's get together to celebrate Kuwait's freedom and stay committed to peace in the Middle East.


Levi Strauss Day

What makes Levi Strauss Day an important day? Read on, smarty pants!


National Saul Day

Join us as we wish Sauls a frolicking celebration on National Saul Day.


Tell a Fairy Tale Day

Chill and enjoy reliving magical moments and moral lessons from the captivating fairy tales!


Thermos Bottle Day

Learn about this exceptional product as we cool off and warm up on Thermos Bottle Day