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ThuFeb 15

Susan B Anthony Day – February 15, 2024

Susan B. Anthony Day is celebrated on February 15 every year. This day marks the birth of Susan Brownell Anthony, who was one of the most influential women in American history. To honor this day, memorial ceremonies are held at her gravesite in Rochester. Similar services are offered in other places like Washington D.C. Anthony fought a lifelong battle for suffrage for women, equal labor, and educational rights for women. She also took a stand against the practice of slavery and the consumption of alcohol. It is because of Anthony’s persistence that American women today vote freely.

History of Susan B Anthony Day

Anthony was born into a Quaker family, and the principles of equality and integrity were part of her life from a very young age. In 1826, she was sent to study at Canajoharie Academy, a Quaker school at which she went on to become head of the girls’ department.

When her family became involved in the abolitionist movement to end slavery, Anthony was introduced to the world-renowned abolitionist Frederick Douglass. The friendship forged between the two would prove to last decades.

In later years, Anthony devoted her time to social issues such as limiting the sale and production of alcohol. While campaigning for the temperance movement, she was refused a chance to talk at a convention because she was a woman. This led her to realize that women would never be taken seriously in politics unless they had the right to vote.

In 1851, Anthony met the popular women’s rights activist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and the rest was history. Before long, they joined hands to form the National Woman Suffrage Association. In the process, Anthony traveled far and wide, campaigning on behalf of women in numerous states. She also started petitions demanding that women gain the right to vote and to own property.

Anthony fought tirelessly into her last years. She even met with President Roosevelt in 1905 and put forth her draft in support of granting voting rights to women. Unfortunately, she didn’t live to witness the historic feat of the American constitution passing the 19th Amendment in 1920, giving all adult women the right to vote.

Susan B Anthony Day timeline

A Representative for Anti-Slavery Movement

Anthony is appointed as an agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society.

She embarks on Anti-Slavery Campaign

Anthony leads an anti-slavery campaign with the motto from Buffalo to Albany.

She Holds the First Woman Suffrage Convention

Anthony holds the first-ever Woman Suffrage Convention in Washington D.C.

Susan B. Anthony’s Amendment is Approved

The 19th amendment, granting voting rights to all American women above the age of 21, is passed.

Susan B Anthony Day FAQs

Why did Susan B. Anthony never marry?

She dedicated her entire life to the causes that she believed in and wanted nothing more than to live another century so she could see how women’s rights developed.

What did Susan B. Anthony do for slavery?

Anthony was an active member of the American Anti-Slavery Society and spent time arranging meetings, making speeches, and distributing leaflets with information about the cause.

Why do we celebrate Susan B. Anthony?

She was an important women’s rights activist who played a crucial role in the women’s suffrage movement.

How to Observe Susan B Anthony Day

  1. Let people know

    In memory of this visionary activist, you might want to share a post about her life and accomplishments on social media. We’re sure Anthony’s formidable spirit will inspire ladies around the world.

  2. Visit the Susan B. Anthony Museum

    Make a trip to Rochester and pay a visit to Anthony’s house, which has now been transformed into a national historic site. After all, isn’t this holiday the perfect occasion to explore the life story of this exemplary figure?

  3. Uphold women’s rights

    This Susan B. Anthony Day, let’s all take the pledge to uphold women’s rights. We think it’s the best way to pay tribute to her lifelong struggle.

5 Important Facts About Susan B. Anthony

  1. She obtained a criminal record

    Anthony was arrested for illegally voting in the 1872 presidential election, and was issued a $100 fine, which she refused to pay.

  2. She was the face of the dollar

    Anthony became the first woman whose face adorned the dollar coin after Jimmy Carter signed the Susan B. Anthony Dollar Coin Act in 1978.

  3. She was a radical fashionista

    Anthony wore her hair short and sported a knee-length dress over loose trousers — a fitting image of her campaign for change.

  4. She persuaded a university to admit women

    Susan B. Anthony raised funds to convince the University of Rochester to take in female students, cashing out her life insurance policy to help the cause.

  5. She is widely respected as a revolutionary

    Throughout her life, Anthony led and participated in a number of revolutionary movements: the slavery abolitionist movement, the temperance movement, the civil rights movement, and the fight for women’s voting rights.

Why Susan B Anthony Day is Important

  1. She was a pioneer crusader of women’s suffrage

    Without Anthony’s sacrifice and fight, American women would have had to wait for God-knows-how-long to exercise their voting rights. Given her key role in realizing women’s suffrage, her birthday is worth a grand celebration.

  2. She is an inspiration

    Anthony is an inspiration for women — young and old — across the nation. This day is a reminder for us all to raise our voices against gender-biased ideologies and laws.

  3. She was a woman unafraid of voicing her opinion

    Anthony became a political icon at a time when very few women came out in public to voice their opinions. She not only fought against slavery but also devoted her life to women’s rights issues. The world definitely needs more women like Anthony!

Susan B Anthony Day dates

2024February 15Thursday
2025February 15Saturday
2026February 15Sunday
2027February 15Monday
2028February 15Tuesday

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