January 31st Holidays

We have 13 holidays listed for January 31.

January 31st is the thirty-first day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, U.S. President Harry Truman announced a program to develop the hydrogen bomb; the first daytime soap opera, "These Are My Children," was broadcast on NBC; and Leon Trotsky was exiled from the Soviet Union. Famous birthdays include Jackie Robinson, Kerry Washington, and Justin Timberlake. January 31st also marks National Hot Chocolate Day.


Appreciate Your Social Security Check Day

Curious to know how to celebrate Appreciate Your Social Security Check Day? Read on.


Brandy Alexander Day

Check out all our fun tips for enjoying the delicious Brandy Alexander!


Eat Brussel Sprouts Day

Encourage yourself and your loved ones to incorporate this green superfood into your diets.


Gorilla Suit Day

Have a blast with our awesome suggestions on how to celebrate Gorilla Suit Day.


Grammy Awards Day

Get ready to spend this day on a musical and entertaining note.


Hell is Freezing Over Day

Bundle up and get cozy by a roaring fire as we celebrate this freezing holiday.


Hug An Economist Day

We're talking about economists and the economy, and how to celebrate both.


Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

Appreciate how this creative form of expression affects your daily life and heart.


International Zebra Day

International Zebra Day promotes the conservation of zebras and their natural habitats.


National Backward Day

Reverse your actions and see how fun and interesting it can be!


National Seth Day

Celebrate the day to appreciate all the Seths around the globe this National Seth Day.


Nauru Independence Day

Let us get ready to celebrate Nauru Independence Day in festive style!


Scotch Tape Day

If you’re a stickler for sticking things together, this is your day to celebrate.