December 10th Holidays

We have 11 holidays listed for December 10.

December 10 is the 344th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, the first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica was published, Mississippi became the 20th state in the U.S., and the first Nobel Prize ceremony was held in Stockholm. Famous birthdays include Emily Dickinson, Raven-Symone, and Gonzalo Higuain. December 10 also marks National Lager Day.


National Lager Day

Lager is the light hoppy drink that is popular throughout the world.


Dewey Decimal System Day

We honor the library classification system created to efficiently maintain our libraries’ inventory of books.


Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales

Learn about fascinating ways to celebrate the Festival for the Souls of the Dead Whales.


Human Rights Day

It is one of the most translated documents in the world and is available in over 500 languages.


International Animal Rights Day

The holiday is shared with Human Rights Day, as it should be.


International Shareware Day

Fire up that Qwerty and join us in exploring the broad range of shareware available.


Iraq Victory Day

Today we mark the day Iraqi forces declared victory over ISIS on December 10, 2017.


National Corey Day

National Corey Day holds on December 10 to appreciate all the people named Corey.


National Derek Day

You most likely know someone called Derek. Shoot them a friendly text today showing your appreciation.


National Salesperson Day

Be sure to go out of your way to say "I appreciate you!"


Nobel Prize Day

Today, we celebrate Alfred Nobel, the Swedish man who invented dynamite, and then regretted it.