November 24th Holidays

We have 14 holidays listed for November 24.

November 24th is the 328th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day a fire at a clothing company in Dhaka, Bangladesh killed 112 people; Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of John F. Kennedy, was killed by Jack Ruby, and Charles Darwin published the Origin of the Species. Famous November 24th birthdays include Ted Bundy and Dale Carnegie. Today is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Black Friday 2022

Prepare to shell out some cash on the biggest shopping day of the year!


Buy Nothing Day

An effort to combat the unethical and sometimes even dangerous mob shopping behaviors of Black Friday.


Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day

Your uniqueness is your strength and today is all about celebrating that.


D.B. Cooper Day

What more is there to this mysterious case of hijacking, air piracy, and intrepid skydiving?


Day of Listening

There's something interesting for everyone to say or hear, so listen up!


Flossing Day

Learn the history of flossing and why you need to floss every day.


Fur-Free Friday

Today we denounce our cruelty, in the name of fashion, to fur-bearing animals.


Maize Day

The time has come to unwrap and savor this gift of nature.


National Oliver Day

Create a list of all Olivers in your vicinity and ensure you treat them well.


National Sardines Day

Sardines are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids; vitamins D, B12, and B2; phosphorus.


Native American Heritage Day

Native Americans form the foundation of American culture, and that makes this day special.


Sinkie Day

Are you a sinkie? This special day was created just for you!


Systems Engineer Day

Systems Engineer Day celebrates those who create computer systems and debug those with problems.


You’re Welcomegiving Day

We’re learning new ways to say “you’re welcome” on this exciting day!