November 22nd Holidays

We have 13 holidays listed for November 22.

November 22nd is the 326th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day Angela Merkel became the first female Chancellor of Germany; Toy Story, the first feature film made solely from computer-generated images, was released, and the Humane Society of the United States was founded. Famous November 22nd birthdays include Scarlett Johansson, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Charles de Gaulle. Today is Thanksgiving and National Day of Mourning.

Go For A Ride Day

Set your spirit free and enjoy your wanderlust on whatever mode of transportation suits you best.



It's like a Springsteen song plays out in real life every year.


Humane Society Anniversary Day

Let’s explore the role and significance of the Humane Society in promoting the human-animal bond!


Lebanon Independence Day

Celebrate one of the most significant days, Lebanese Independence Day, with a strong sense of patriotism.


Love Your Freckles Day

Synonymous with youth, the freckled face offers an idiosyncratic alternative to those flawless Instagram selfies.


National Amelia Day

Join us as we shine the spotlight on all the amazing women who bear this name.


National Aron Day

Don’t forget about that remarkable Aron in your life by celebrating their special day!


National Cranberry Relish Day

Thanksgiving Day is around the corner, so let’s put our best cranberry recipes forward.


National Jukebox Day

We’re holding a boombox over our heads to declare our love for the jukebox.


National Larimar Day

Ready to see it all in blue? Learn about what makes Larimar so precious.


National Nathan Day

Celebrate National Nathan Day! A day dedicated to getting to know Nathans all across the world.


National Tie One On Day

Tie an apron on and cook up some love and kindness today.


What Do You Love About America Day

This is the day for you to remember all that’s great about this country and give thanks.