October 5th Holidays

We have 17 holidays listed for October 5.

October 5th is the 278th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day the Ladbroke Grove train crash in west London killed 31 people; the U.S. Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) was founded, and a workers' strike in Hollywood turned into a bloody riot at the entrance of Warner Brothers Studios. Famous October 5th birthdays include actress Kate Winslet and the late comedian Bernie Mac. Today is World Teachers Day, National Be Nice Day, and World Teachers Day.


National Do Something Nice Day

This holiday encourages us to perform acts of kindness for strangers or loved ones — or both!


World Teachers' Day

Matilda had Ms. Honey, Harry had Dumbledore, and Cady had Ms. Norbury!


Bring Your Bible To School Day

Take up your Bible as we read and share God’s Word, expressing our religious freedom.


Hoshana Rabbah

The Jewish holiday's roots are in celebration of thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest.


Kiribati: Education Day

We are celebrating a national priority, with a day that honors teachers and everything education.


National Above the Bus Day

In this dog-eat-dog world, let no kind act go unseen and unrewarded.


National Apple Betty Day

Tart apples fresh off the tree are almost begging to be used for this autumn treat.


National Be Nice Day

Commit to walking in the light of positivity all day long.


National Caribbean Civility Day

Support the true leaders of Caribbean communities by celebrating their achievements in humanitarian work.


National Depression Screening Day

Roughly 40 million adults in the U.S. struggle with depression or anxiety.


National Get Funky Day

We're not talking funk as in depressing, but funk as in get-happy-and-celebrate-life!


National Kiss a Wrestler Day

For all that power, wrestlers need love, too!


National Military Podcast Day

If you’re struggling with P.T.S.D. from war, press play and start healing.


National Rhode Island Day

Let’s take a deep dive into some interesting facts about National Rhode Island Day.


Portugal Republic Day

Celebrate Portugal’s Republic Day which ushered in a new form of government in a bloodless revolution!


Vanuatu Constitution Day

Thanks to its constitution, Vanuatu can finally live and govern according to its own values.


World Meningitis Day

Let’s raise awareness and stay safe from the deadly disease Meningitis before it’s too late.