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ThuAug 17

National Nonprofit Day – August 17, 2023

National Nonprofit Day is commemorated on August 17 each year to recognize nonprofit organizations’ ongoing efforts to serve the local community. If you’ve ever volunteered, you’re well aware of the significance of these charitable organizations.

Nonprofits throughout the country work to promote awareness and offer assistance to individuals who otherwise would not be able to afford it. Their activities contribute to the shaping of our society and provide hope for a brighter future.

We all contribute in some manner, whether it’s by volunteering, giving, or just spreading the word about a nonprofit. In 2017, Americans donated more than $400 billion to a variety of charity organizations. What a great example of teamwork!

History of National Nonprofit Day

The Tariff Act was signed into law on August 17, 1894. It provided exclusions from the federal income tax levied on corporations for charitable organizations and charities. Despite various changes over the years, the exemptions for N.G.O.s remain stable and continue to expedite charity organizations’ operations. Incentives like this one make the nonprofit environment more accessible to new organizations.

Sherita J. Herring, an author, and respected speaker launched National Nonprofit Day. Its goal was to educate and empower everyone to be the change we want to see in the world. Recognizing that there are individuals in our midst that require assistance is the first step toward positively changing our society. Charitable organizations have been strong warriors in the struggle to close the wealth divide. They give a forum for people to reach out to the poor, either directly or through donations.

According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, there are 1.5 million registered organizations in the United States. These organizations play a vital role in community development by offering services such as food banks, affordable housing, medical care, legal counsel, and education. Another important contribution of the nonprofit sector is after-school activities; the daycare centers they provide are vital assets to these communities.

The nonprofit sector is a significant contributor to the national economy, employing professionals such as lawyers, engineers, nurses. Following the recession in 2012, the nonprofit sector contributed up to $887.3 billion, amounting to 5.4% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product.

National Nonprofit Day timeline

The Tariff Act is Passed into Law

The Tariff Act, exempting nonprofits from federal income tax, is passed.

National Volunteer Week is Introduced

National Volunteer Week is founded to appreciate the efforts of volunteers in addressing societal challenges.

#GivingTuesday is Founded

The GivingTuesday movement is introduced to appreciate fundraisers and volunteers around the globe.

Nonprofits Contribute to the G.D.P.

The American nonprofit sector contributes $887.3 billion to the Gross Domestic Product.

National Nonprofit Day FAQs

How exactly does the economy benefit from nonprofits?

Nonprofits are major consumers of goods and services that directly create employment opportunities. They incur everything from large expenses such as medical equipment to smaller ones like food and utilities.

How can you volunteer in your community?

Research your community’s needs and pick the one you’re passionate about. Find out how you can be of help, create a resume and decide how often you want to volunteer. You can join a local volunteer group or start one yourself.

What is the world’s largest nonprofit?

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation remains the world’s largest charitable organization. The foundation issues donations rising to $1 billion annually.

How to Observe National Nonprofit Day

  1. Research your community’s needs

    Determine what is needed in your neighborhood and how you might help to improve things. It might be as simple as beginning a project or spending your time in a local business.

  2. Volunteer

    You may help out at a local food bank or homeless shelter by volunteering. Many nonprofit groups operate on a shoestring budget and would be delighted to receive free assistance.

  3. Raise awareness

    Contribute to the efforts of nonprofits around you by posting on social media to raise awareness. You can also start a blog to showcase the charity or nonprofit to the world.

5 Facts About The Nonprofit Sector That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. It is a crowd favorite

    Every year, a quarter of the population of the United States registers to volunteer.

  2. End-of-the-year blues

    Nonprofit organizations get more donations in December than any other month.

  3. The employment genie

    The nonprofit sector is the third-largest employer in the United States, employing over 12 million people and trailing only retail and manufacturing.

  4. The world is becoming a better place

    Donations to nonprofit organizations have reached unprecedented heights in the last 10 years.

  5. Mobile phones are making us nicer people

    Over 10% of nonprofit donations are made via mobile devices.

Why National Nonprofit Day is Important

  1. Making a difference

    We love Nonprofit Day because it allows us to recognize those who make a difference in our community. We get to work together, start new projects, and, most importantly, affect people's lives.

  2. Nonprofits provide jobs

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics ranks nonprofits as one of the largest employment sources in the U.S. They employ over 10% of America’s workforce.

  3. They address sensitive issues

    Nonprofits tackle some of society's toughest challenges. There is a charitable organization for practically every concern, from housing to education.

National Nonprofit Day dates

2023August 17Thursday
2024August 17Saturday
2025August 17Sunday
2026August 17Monday
2027August 17Tuesday

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