January 8th Holidays

We have 16 holidays listed for January 8.

January 8th is the eighth day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, Crazy Horse fought a final battle with the U.S. Cavalry, America’s Democratic Party was organized, and Leonardo da Vinci’s 'Mona Lisa' was exhibited in America for the first time. Famous birthdays include Elvis Presley, Stephen Hawking, and David Bowie. January 8th also marks National Bubble Bath Day.


National Bubble Bath Day

Nothing like slipping into the hot water of a bubble bath for a nice relaxing time.


National Clean Your Desk Day

Here are facts, tips, and motivation to help you organize and declutter today.


National Gluten-Free Day

Many know nothing about it, while 2.5 million people in the U.S. battle against it.


Argyle Day

Diamonds are forever — let’s take a look at the popular argyle pattern and its history.


Coming of Age Day

Coming of Age Day is a Japanese tradition with many interesting elements and much glamour.


Earth's Rotation Day

The Earth rotates on an almost-vertical axis every 24 hours, which gives us one Earth day.


National English Toffee Day

Enjoy the delicious richness of America’s favorite toffee variant this National English Toffee Day.


National Fourth Graders Day

Let's celebrate the magic of being 9 or 10 and show what fourth graders can do!


National JoyGerm Day

Spreading positive energy, ideas, and happiness is how you can celebrate National JoyGerm Day.


National Man Watcher's Day

Join us as we create balance in the world by putting men under the spotlight.


National Snuggle a Chicken Day

There’s more to this feathery domestic bird than just being an ingredient for a sumptuous meal.


National Winter Skin Relief Day

See how you can remedy the drastic effects winter can have on your skin!


Plough Monday

We have all the details you need to know about this unique farmworkers festival.


Show And Tell At Work Day

Join us as we celebrate Show and Tell At Work Day this January 8!


War on Poverty Day

Here’s how to celebrate War on Poverty Day and the poverty-reducing initiatives the Johnson administration proposed.


World Typing Day

Rest those fingers as we celebrate typing and the revolution it was back in the day.